Dr Kaye Scott is a casual academic at Deakin University. As a teacher, she has worked in various educational roles in country and city locations, in general and special education. Her experience includes an extensive period as a literacy specialist and as visiting (itinerant) teacher of the deaf. She established the Brighton Hearing Unit in Melbourne and was a founding member of the Victorian Deaf Education Institute (VDEI) a division of the Department of Education and Training in Victoria. Kaye is an Associate Review Editor for the Deafness & Education International journal and reviews articles for several international journals. She is the current chairperson of the National Association of Australian Teachers of the Deaf, and over the past ten years has presented at a number of national and international conferences.

Bronwyn Birch is a Teacher of the Deaf and an Auditory Verbal Therapist. She has worked in early intervention for many years at Telethon Speech and Hearing and is currently a Visiting Teacher for the Education Department’s School of Special Education Needs: Sensory. As an Auditory Verbal Therapist, Bronwyn also supports in their home, under their NDIS plan, the families of children with a hearing loss. Bronwyn has been Chair of the Australian Association of Teachers of the Deaf, Western Australia (AATDWA) for the past five years and the National Representative of National Association of Australian Teachers of the Deaf (NAATD). Bronwyn represents AATD WA as a member of the Deafness Council WA.

Claire Loades is the current president of AATD(SA) and has been a committee member of NAATD for many years. She is a qualified teacher of the deaf and has had a wide and varied career in education. She has worked as a teacher in mainstream schools, in deaf facilities as well as having worked as a visiting teacher and the Manager of Visiting Teacher Services Country and the West Group of districts. Claire has been an education leader in both deaf education, mainstream and Anangu schools. She has worked as a principal on the APY Lands, in Port Augusta and the metropolitan.Claire is a native Auslan user and has a strong belief that all children who are deaf and hard of hearing have the right to the same level of service regardless of setting. She also believes that all deaf and hard of hearing children can achieve at the same levels as their hearing peers with the correct adaptations and supports in place.

Donna Rees is a parent of hard of hearing daughter. She is Assistant Principal Teacher of the Deaf for the NSW Department of Education. Donna is founder and life member of Dubbo and District Support Group for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Inc. She is a member of the Executive committee of Educators of Deaf Students Association of NSW (EDSA) and the NAATD Executive committee. Donna is also a Hearing screener and co-founder and volunteer director of Hear our Heart Ear Bus Project.

Bronwyn Green has been a teacher of the deaf for over 30 years and is the Manager of Deaf/Hard of Hearing Services for the Queensland Department of Education. Bronwyn leads a state-wide team of Project Officers and Principal Advisors - Auslan to support the educational needs of Deaf and hard of hearing students across the state. Bronwyn is the current vice president of the Qld Branch of the Australian Association of Teachers of the Deaf, a member of the National Executive of this organisation. She has been involved in coordinating ANZCED conferences in the past and was the Co-Chair for the International Congress on the Education of the Deaf (ICED) 2021.